January 9, 2014

Sourdough Country Bread

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It's been months since I baked sourdough bread. And I also neglected to feed my starter for months and months until last week when I made waffles. I was certain it was dead but after waking it up just once, it proved to be stronger than ever before. So I decided it was time to try baking my version of the famous Tartine Bakery Country Bread using my sourdough starter instead of preparing a new one. The bread came out flavorful with a thin crispy crust and moist soft crumb. Although I'm happy with the flavor and texture, I'd have been happier with a more open crumb with large holes.

January 3, 2014

Sourdough Kefir Chocolate Waffles

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New year, new promise to eat healthier. I'm not sure if I can keep it, or if I want to. Haha. First on the list is consuming fewer carbs which is near to impossible because I can't live without bread and rice. I'd rather exercise 1 hour every single day than go without having them. Or maybe I can limit carbs gradually and at the same time regularly add other healthy stuff to my diet like kefir and yogurt. I eat Greek yogurt often and once in a while buy kefir drinks from the store. 

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