April 11, 2007

The Bad Plus

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My favorite jazz band's new album is coming out on May 8, I can't wait!
Here are samples of their music:
And Here We Test Our Powers of Observation

And my favorite song Cheney (the Vice Pres.) Piñata

April 10, 2007

The Best Caramel Ice Cream

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I was set to make black pepper ice cream. I have always wanted to try this unusual flavor because of one of the Japanese group Cibo Matto's song 'White Pepper Ice Cream' and I think, although not very sure, it was also mentioned in the funny novel Cooking With Fernet Branca by James Hamilton-Paterson. But when I read David Lebovitz' post this morning I changed my plans and made the caramel ice cream instead. Sigh, I am such a sheep, I'm going to baa anytime soon. Who cares, at least I made the bestest tasting caramel ice cream ever. The black pepper ice cream can wait another day.

April 9, 2007

Sorbet, Ice Cream, Pastillas de Leche, & Peeps!

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fresh pineapple sorbet with rum
It's ice cream season! Actually we have ice cream all year round, I just didn't have freezer space the last few months. But with my new ice cream book, David Lebovitz' THE PERFECT SCOOP (psst, go buy a copy, it's the only ice cream cookbook you'll ever need), I have to make room in my freezer, or I will get a compact upright freezer just for ice cream, cakes and dessert. ;D

coffee ice cream topped with mangosteen preserves, I missed you so!

pastillas de leche, recipe here

and, they're disgustingly sweet but I gotta have my peeps!

April 4, 2007

Fish for Holy Week

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tawilis steamed with sea salt and kamias and wrapped in banana leaves

monkfish chunks wrapped in prosciutto

I cooked a few fish dishes, there's also meat and vegetarian dishes for non fish eaters. I'm not inclined to do anything for the next few days and also will not be posting until Easter. So here are some ideas for a fishy weekend:

  • Monkfish chunks wrapped in prosciutto, sauce is butter and white wine
  • Fresh cod simmered with black olives, red bell peppers, sliced baby potatoes and onions
  • Tawilis steamed with salt and kamias wrapped in banana leaves
  • Baked or grilled milkfish stuffed with chopped tomatoes and onions

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