July 19, 2012

Green Mango Ice Cream

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Several Filipino food blogs have been raving about the Filipino green mango ice cream topped with sweet bagoong sauce. I love green mango shake and sorbet and ice cold green mango slices topped with bagoong (salty fermented micro shrimps) has been my favorite since forever. But shrimp/fish flavor and ice cream? Thanks, but I think I'll pass.

In my opinion, the Philippine mango varieties are the best, green or fully ripe. Unfortunately, they are not available here in the US. The only green mangoes we buy here come from Mexico. They are not very sour nor as flavorful as ours but I can't complain. At least they are available during summer for salads and fruit shakes.

I made green mango ice cream without using my ice cream maker because there wasn't enough space in the freezer for the bowl. The tart sweet ice cream may not be as smooth as store-bought or made with an ice cream machine but I still love it.

Green Mango Ice Cream
(without ice cream machine)
1 large green mango, cubed
¾ cup whole milk
3 tablespoons lemon or lime juice, frozen
½ cup sugar
2 cups very cold heavy cream, divided
  • In a blender, blend mango, milk, lemon juice, sugar, and 1 cup heavy cream until smooth. Pour into ice cube trays and freeze until solid but not rock hard, about 1 hour. Transfer into a large bowl and beat with a paddle attachment on medium until smooth. Transfer into a shallow container and freeze for 1 hour. 
  • In a medium bowl, whip the remaining heavy cream; set aside. Transfer the semi-frozen ice cream into the large bowl and beat on low until smooth. Add the whipped heavy cream and beat on low until very smooth. Place in containers and freeze for at least 4 hours before serving.


Kim, USA said...

Oh my gush this is so good. You only use an ordinary blender for this?


Winnie said...

I've never heard of green mango, and now I'm so curious.
This ice cream looks sooooooooo good, and has no eggs(!)

Zoe said...

I'm salivating seeing the name of your ice cream. It must be very refreshing and tangy in taste.

Unknown said...

ice cream with bagoong?! really? wow, that is something i'd love to try.:p

i had green mango ice cream once in Cebu and it was different from all the flavors i tried before. still couldn't get over bagoong and ice cream.:p

atis ice cream is also good.:p

Grilled Turkey

Juliana said...

Oggi, your green mango ice cream looks great...like the texture and amazing that you made this without the ice cream machine...I can almost taste it.
Have a nice week ahead :)

Jessica Cassidy said...

i love mangoes too and it is my fave fruit :-) this mango ice cream is not exempted :-) am sure it taste heavenly too :-) Dropping by from Food Friday.

Irina said...

Ice cream without a machine?! Sounds great! I suppose it can go with anything, not just green mangoes - by the way, are they unripe mangoes or something else?

Oggi said...


Yes, it's the greenest unripe mango.:)

Ann said...

Home-made ice cream, cool!! Hi I'm Ann, dropping by from FTF and Food Friday!!

maiylah said...

oh wow...first time i've heard of green mango ice cream topped with sweet bagoong sauce! interesting! your ice cream looks perfectly delicious even if you didn't use an ice cream maker.

thanks so much for sharing and linking over at Food Friday, Ms. Oggi

Dhanggit said...

wow, sarap! I'm not sure though if I could eat it with bagoong :-)

Unknown said...

The ice cream looks great. I never would think of using green mango.

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