March 25, 2012

Ice Candy

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Ice Candy
honeymansi, watermelon lambanog cocktail, and mango lime 

This year, it seems Spring took a vacation somewhere cooler because Summer arrived directly from Winter. Our Yoshino cherries bloomed almost overnight and it's so warm that for the first time we had to turn on our AC in the middle of March. It's perfect timing that our KCC hosts, Arnold and Jun, chose ice candy for this month's theme to cool us off. Thank you guys.

Ice candy is a favorite Filipino summer treat and as the name suggests it is sweet ice made usually with fruit juice and sugar. Unlike ice pops using sticks and pouring into molds, the juice mixture is poured into a thin plastic bag then frozen for a few hours. When ready, you tear off either end with your teeth or scissors if they are nearby, start biting the sweet ice, once in a while turning it upside down to drink the melted juice. And when it's all gone you get another one from the freezer until you have your fill and your teeth start to hurt.

I can't remember the last time I had ice candy and I haven't made them from scratch either because the 1¾ inch-wide x 10 inch-long bags are not available anywhere in my area. I bought a few hundred pieces  from an online Filipino store to last for several summer seasons. 

Making ice candy is simple and doesn't require a recipe; just mix ingredients that you like. A small funnel helps to pour the juice mixture effortlessly into the bag; leave at least 2½ inches at the top to be able to make a knot to seal it neatly. For the challenge I made fresh mango lime, watermelon cocktail with lambanog, and honeymansi (calamansi juice, sugar, and honey). I will be making other flavors throughout the summer months, maybe coffee or Milo with condensed milk, not too much milk though because I prefer ice candy to be icy, not creamy.

Watermelon Lambanog Cocktail Ice Candy
a quarter of a watermelon, cubed
2 tablespoons lime juice
sugar, to taste
lambanog or watermelon vodka, to taste
  • Puree watermelon in a blender. Place a strainer lined with a coffee filter over a measuring cup. Pour the pureed watermelon and leave for 20 minutes. Discard the pulp and coffee filter. Stir in lime juice and sugar and lambanog to taste. Fill bag one at a time, twist the top of the bag and make a knot to seal. Place filled bags in an upright position in a container if desired, otherwise lay them flat on a smooth surface, and let freeze for several hours.
Ice Candy
watermelon lambanog cocktail ice candy

Mango Lime Ice Candy
2 mangoes, cubed
juice from 2 key limes (dayap) or regular limes
2 cups water
sugar, to taste
  • Blend all ingredients in a blender. Fill ice candy bags and freeze as above.
Ice Candy
mango lime 



Kulinarya was started by a group of Filipino foodies living in Sydney who are passionate about the Filipino culture and its colorful cuisine. Each month we will showcase a new dish along with their family recipes. By sharing these recipes, we hope you find the same passion and love for Filipino Food as we do.


Joy Calipes-Felizardo said...

That's the spring there in your glass! Lovely naturally-colored concoctions from fruits, should I say. Though I still couldn't post mine, will be hopefully by tomorrow.

Elizabeth @Mango_Queen said...

Nice post, Oggi! I love all your flavors! So refreshing! I enjoy all your posts and keep coming back. You have a great site and hope it's ok with you if I use you as a reference often. Cheers!

Iska said...

The one with lambanog sounds very interesting! Sounds refreshing but hits you with a punch after a while. Does it?
Weather here is erratic. Didn't really felt summer when it was summer. Now it's autumn but there are days when it's quite summery.

wok with ray said...

I would go with the watermelon-lambanog anytime. Looks great, Oggi. :)

chef_d said...

I love the flavors you used! So intrigued with the watermelon lambanog :)

Jenn said...

Your flavors are so interesting and would love to try them too. I wanted to do something with alchohol too -- Limoncello, I thought, but the store I buy it from ran out of stock.

Gio of The Hungry Giant said...

You had me at watermelon lambanog. hahaha! These sound like great flavors, I can almost imagine that it tastes even better! :D

PinayinTexas said...

Great take on this month's challenge, Oggi! I have tried mango lime before and it's really good. Watermelon Lambanog is one interesting flavor...sounds perfect for adult summer parties! :)

peachkins said...

wow! I love the variety of flavors and the colors of your ice candies!

adorasbox said...

I want them all, Oggi. The mere mention of those flavours make me drool. I haven't had ice candy in several decades. I have forgotten how fun it was to suck it from the bag. That just felt so good when it's super hot.

Sara Clark said...

I know I'm not on the right post, but I saw your completed results on the Daring Bakers forum, and just wanted to say that your dutch crunch looks delicious. Thanks for joining us this month!!

Juliana said...

Wow, these are a great treat especially that Summer is coming...I'd like to try the cocktail one ;-)
Thanks for this recipe and hope you are having a great week Oggi!

Jun Belen said...

Love those colors and flavor combos, Oggi! Honey and calamansi? Very, very Filipino! Thank you for sharing.

Dudut said...

wow! love that watermelon lambanog ice candy! an ice candy for adults :)

nice one Oggi!

Anonymous said...

Lambanog flavoured iced candy... refreshing with a hit! Thanks for sharing Oggi ;)

Anonymous said...

Where can you get those ice candy bags in Australia?

Oggi said...

Anonymous @ 1/2/13
Sorry, I wouldn't know.:(

Anonymous said...

Found the bags on amazon! Hooray!

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