October 28, 2011

Date Sesame Seed Bars

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nice with a cup of hot jasmine tea

This is the easiest no bake dessert to make. They are good to snack on with a cup of hot tea or to eat as candy/dessert.

October 27, 2011


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with walnut filling 

The Daring Bakers October 2011 challenge was Povitica hosted by Jenni of The Gingered Whisk. Povitica is a traditional Eastern European Dessert Bread that is lovely to look at as to eat!

October 20, 2011

Toffee Apples and Pears

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Toffee Apples

These crunchy Fall treats are a bit different from their American caramel apple cousins. The coating on these apples is hard caramel instead of the sticky chewy kind. I used mini apples that are a tad sour, they are really tiny at just a third the size of a medium apple...easier to sink my teeth into. I also coated with hard caramel and dipped the bottom in malted crisps one tiny pear called Fragrant Pear; it's almost like the Asian variety in texture and flavor. I love it more than the apples for the triple crunch and the pear is very sweet and juicy. ♥ ♥ ♥

October 16, 2011

Dark Rye Bread and Corned Beef Tongue

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delicious with slices of warm corned beef tongue topped
with barbecue sauce, Dijon mustard, and creamy horseradish

Rye bread is not one of my favorites specially the sour dense variety but I was willing to give it a chance to wow me. I baked a small batch and surprisingly this time, it did. I used a 3 to 1 ratio of rye/bread flour with a rye sponge in place of sourdough starter. The dense dark bread has no flavorings nor seeds like caraway that in my opinion mask the earthy somewhat smokey flavor of rye flour. I love that it has a bit of chew and is sweetish too. I prefer the bread untoasted with just a little butter or duck liver paté and with corn chowder, but I love it even more with thick slices of corned beef tongue.

October 14, 2011

The Daring Cooks: Moo Shu

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The October Daring Cooks' Challenge was hosted by Shelley of C Mom Cook and her sister Ruth of  The Crafts of Mommyhood. They challenged us to bring a taste of the East into our home kitchens by making our own Moo Shu, including thin pancakes, stir fry, and sauce.

October 13, 2011

Chicken Pork Adobo Quiche

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A few weeks ago I read about adobo quiche as one of the dishes in a food taste marketing in Manila. I couldn't recall the website and therefore wasn't able to link it to this post. I love adobo and couldn't wait to try it. I made a crustless quiche with Swiss cheese and leftover chicken pork adobo. It was a huge disappointment. I didn't like it at all. I can't explain why because I love adobo with rice, in pandesal or sliced white bread, or even with fried potatoes. Maybe it's the quiche itself which is supposed to be light and has delicate flavors; maybe meats with strong flavors, Swiss cheese, and eggs don't agree with each other; or maybe it's just me and my quiche recipe.:( 

October 11, 2011

Duck Embutido or Sausage

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Duck Embutido

I'm making duck ham again and didn't know what to do with the rest of the meat. I still have a few pieces of duck leg confit and didn't want to make more so I ground the meat with 2

October 9, 2011

Filipino Food Website Stealing Photos

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There is another Filipino food website that has been stealing photos from food blogs and putting its watermark on the photos. The blogger then posts recipes using the stolen photo on the website and on facebook. I saw the website on Foodie Blogroll and reported it as fraudulent. If you have a Filipino food blog and are a member of Foodie Blogroll, please check if you have your photos reused without proper attribution or permission and report to Foodie Blogroll and facebook.This is the only way to stop these blog and photo thieves and crooks. This website comes from the same area of Bacolod where the other Copy/Paste Crook is from. It may be owned by the same thieves.

website  http://www.pinoyrecipe.net/
facebook  http://www.facebook.com/PinoyRecipedotnet

Update 10/10/11: The website owner has already removed all the photos that don't belong to them.

Update 10/13/11:  After reading a few of the posts, I found that most of their write-up and description of, or introduction to a dish are "frankensteinized" from other blogs combined with wiki entries. What annoys me is they usually do not make sense. For example, their translation of Arroz Caldo is Hot Rice, which was lifted from a Filipino blogger who mistakenly used the Italian translation of caldo which means warm, hot, fervent, instead of the Spanish caldo, broth. The description that they wrote taken directly from wiki mentions the Chinese origin [congee] of arroz caldo that THE SPANISH PEOPLE loved to eat at the time. And then they went ahead and used the ITALIAN translation because it's at the top of the entries of a translation page. What do the Italians have to do with a Spanish/Chinese/Filipino dish??? DOES.NOT.MAKE.SENSE. This is the problem with writing a post by copy/paste from other sources laziness instead of thinking and writing for themselves and not understanding the food or dish they are writing about. The sad thing is instead of imparting their knowledge about Filipino food, they are spreading incorrect information to their readers. Definitely not a good thing.

October 6, 2011

Miso Soup with Wakame and Silken Tofu

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Miso and Wakame Soup

For dinner tonight I made miso soup with wakame (dried sea weed) and silken tofu. To complete the meatless meal I had the soup with roasted kabocha sprinkled with sea salt flakes. Sooo delicious and healthy too.

Miso Soup with Wakame and Silken Tofu
¼ ounce dried wakame
4 ounces silken tofu
2 cups dashi stock
4 tablespoons miso paste
2 spring onions, chopped
  • Soak wakame in cold water for 15 minutes. Drain and cut into 1-inch pieces. Slice or cut the tofu into strips, squares, or rounds. Bring the dashi stock to a boil. Stir in the miso. Taste the soup and add more miso paste if needed. Add wakame and tofu and turn up the heat. Let it come to a boil, turn off the heat and add spring onions. Serve immediately.

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