egg-white omelet filled with artichokes, mushrooms, and kesong puti
When I hear or see the word fluffy either candy floss comes to mind
the candyman spinning candy floss at a birthday party
or a furry cat like this one

Since Lasang Pinoy Sundays is all about food photography and not fur balls, I prepared something super fluffy but easy to make, an egg white omelet filled with artichoke hearts, mushrooms, and kesong puti. The omelet is very light and the absence of yolks did not matter because it is delicious and healthy too.
LaPis, a weekly gallery of food photography is hosted by
SpiCes and guest posting this week is Gizelle of
Kitchenmaus. Check out her puto recipe and click on the yellow button for more yummy fluffy stuff, Pinoy style.
I could imagine the taste of your fluffy omelet... YUM!
(That cat is oh so cute!)
that omelet looks so good. i've never had an egg white omelet before.
omg! is the cat alive??? looks like a stuffed toy.LOL.. and that eggwhite omelet looks fluffy and very healthy. awesome!
Wahaha thats a cute cat! And the cotton candy photo looks like an old, stock photo! :)
The egg white is a good idea because my daughter has allergies with egg yolk! :)
The egg white looks yummy!
egg white omelet looks delicious! now i know what to whip up kung maraming tira na egg white. special pa with the kesong puti, mushroom and artichoke!
that looks delish! We never now what to do with our egg whites when we make leche flan but this is a great idea... :)
8btw i think the fluffy cat is sooooo adorable.... :)
Hahahaha... that fluffy cat is incredible !
Iska, the white cheese surprisingly paired well with the vegetables.
R, try it, I really liked the light can maybe add a tablespoon of half and half if you want it creamier.
Raquel, it's a real cat.:)
G, it's a photo taken by my father-in-law at my daughter's first birthday more than 20 years ago.:)
Ladynred, very yummy!:)
MFH, yeah, I have those egg whites sitting in the fridge for a few days already. I was going to make it into macarons but got lazy...omelet to the rescue.:)
Zee, it's the cutest cat I've seen.:)
Sidney, the owner of the cat must have teased its hair before taking the can hardly see its face.:)
yummy cotton candy
opps sorry im late, im off to La Union last Weekend and kararating ko lang now
opps sorry im late.serving my Yummy Sunday here
Your omelet is truly a healthier alternative to the macarons or even to meringue ;) And I'm sure it's as delicious too! Thanks for sharing!
Jay, sweet = yummy!:)
Pinky, I'm glad I made them into something healthy and delicious.:)
that is indeed the fluffiest egg white omelet i've ever seen!:)
Ces, I followed the French style of making omelet and was surprised it didn't deflate while stirring. It has to be eaten right away though, as it will flatten when left for half an hour.:)
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