April 8, 2009

Eggplant Salad

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eggplant salad with coconut milk dressing

I like the sweetish small Indian eggplants with an unusual name Hybrid Black Chu-Chu. The size of these eggplants, about 3 inches, is perfect for the Filipino eggplant salad recipe from the guidebook KULINARYA. I love the salad's refreshing coconut milk, vinegar, and ginger dressing which goes well with the deep smokey flavor of the stove-charred eggplants. The simple eggplant salad I usually make has grated fresh ginger, salt, and chopped tomatoes which is also very good but I'm liking this KULINARYA version better because of the dressing, sweet red onions, and crunchy sweet green and red bell peppers. Simply delicious spring or summer salad.

 Eggplant Salad
adapted from KULINARYA
1 small red onion, sliced into thin rings
2 medium tomatoes, thinly sliced
2 spring onions, thinly sliced
1 cup diced sweet red bell pepper
1 cup diced sweet green bell pepper 1 green finger chili, thinly sliced
10 small Indian eggplants (or 6 Asian eggplants)
1 teaspoon sea salt or to taste
coconut milk vinaigrette: In a small bowl, combine ½ cup thick coconut milk, 2 teaspoons finely grated fresh ginger, ¼ teaspoon finely minced seeded green finger chili, 3 tablespoons white cane vinegar, and salt to taste.
  • Pierce surface of eggplants with the tip of a paring knife. Roast over an open flame until skin is charred all over. Peel off skin under cold running water. Flatten each eggplant with a fork. If using long-ish Asian eggplants, cut into 3-inch pieces. Season with salt.
  • Lay one piece of eggplant on a plate, top with 1 slice each of tomato and onion ring, sprinkle with red and green bell peppers, spring onions, and chili. Top with another piece of flattened eggplant, decorate with a few bell peppers, chili, and spring onions. Repeat with the rest of the eggplants.
  • Drizzle with coconut milk dressing. Serve at room temperature or chilled, if preferred.

slightly sweet and tart eggplant salad, specially good with any fried dish

Eggplant Salad is the second entry in my KULINARYA recipe series.


paoix said...

i am a big fan of that book! :)

LC said...

Where in the US can we get the book?

Anonymous said...

Can anybody tell me if there are kakanin and cake recipes on the book. I want to buy the book myself but having a second thought about it, because the last time i bough a filipino cookbook i wasn't to happy with it. They show tons of pictures of the kakanin in the Philippines but no recipe which is disappointing.

mirage said...

Looks appetizing! Too bad no one in our household eats eggplants :(

Sidney said...

If you ever give cooking lessons in Manila I will be the first to enroll !

Lori Lynn said...

Oh, I am very interesting in reading more of these kinds of recipes. So intriguing, this flavor combination!
And I am definitely going to try that coconut milk vinaigrette! Wow.

Oggi said...

Paoix, me too!:)

LC, I emailed the publisher, they have not responded. This guidebook should be available from amazon.

Anonymous, the book has the recipes for puto, kuchinta, sapin-sapin, maja blanca, palitaw, cassava bibingka, sans rival, and brazo. Each recipe has a photo and there are no stories to go with the recipes, it is a very good guidebook for someone who is just starting to cook Filipino cuisine.

G, haha, it's a pity, masarap the dressing.:)

Sidney, really?:D

Lori Lynn, this dressing is normally used for ceviche-type fish dishes in the Philippines. I was pleasantly surprised that it's so perfect with roasted eggplant.

LC said...

Oggi, let me know when you hear from the publisher. I just checked amazon and it is not showing up in the search.

Really, really enjoy your posts! Thank you!!!

Anonymous said...

wow, this is something special... thanks for sharing & happy easter!!! :)

Anonymous said...

thank you for letting me know what kakanin recipes on the book.

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