July 5, 2012

Crispy Sweet Potato Fries

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I recently discovered from here that it's possible to make crispy sweet potato fries, either baked or deep fried. I like that their edges are crispy but tender inside. I also loved the savory sauce that was provided but having a sweet tooth, I prefer to have them with sweet coconut sauce (thin matamis na bao). I've eaten this combination before with purple sweet potato fries and I really loved them then. I still do.

July 3, 2012

Red White and Blue Cookie Sandwich

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  • Happy 4th of July!

June 28, 2012

Goat Milk Caramels

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I've always made caramels with heavy cream and milk and didn't know the candy can be prepared with just evaporated milk. The cooking method is slightly different and takes a little bit longer than with heavy cream. 

June 25, 2012

Taba ng Talangka

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Taba ng Talangka

The Republic of the Philippines, although tiny, has an endless variety of rich and unique food. One such delicacy is the taba ng talangka. Direct translation is fat of crab but the fat is actually crab roe from really tiny crabs called talangka. It's super delicious by itself with a squirt of lemon juice and extra yummy when added to fried rice or sauteed prawns.  

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