August 29, 2013

Black Sesame Seed Paciencia

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I think this is my third or fourth blog post about the Philippine cookies called Paciencia. I maybe a bit obsessed with these tiny crunchy cookies inherited from the Spanish, of course. It's the smooth shiny top I've wanted to replicate but is elusive to me so far. Oh, well, there's always a fifth or sixth time for trying.

For this paciencia baking adventure I added ground black sesame seeds to half a recipe adapted from Recipes of the Philippines handbook omitting the baking powder and reduced the amount of sugar. I added 2 tablespoons very thick blackcurrant sauce into another half recipe. The blackcurrant flavor is strong, not just a hint and the sesame seed is not only delicious, it's also nutritious. One website says consuming black sesame seeds regularly may restore the color of graying hair; I wonder if it's true. There's no harm in trying I suppose. Anyway, I love both flavors, really great for afternoon munchies with a cup of milky English breakfast tea.

August 22, 2013

Salt Caramel Brownies

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I love small food items, specially baked ones as they are easier to eat, plus for portion control. When I saw a pan with tiny shallow wells, I just had to get one. The pan makes mini cookies and muffin tops. The package has a recipe for salt caramel brownies and a suggestion to serve them stacked skewered on a stick which is a great idea for parties.

August 17, 2013

Salt Cod Omelet

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Bacalao or dried salt cod is usually served during Holy Week in the Philippines and Christmas in Spain, Portugal, and Italy. I was in the mood for a light lunch and thought of making salt cod omelet. It has very few ingredients but very flavorful and satisfying. If salt cod is not available in your area you can salt and dry cod fillet at home. It will take a few days to cure but it will be worth the wait.

August 8, 2013

Thai Tofu Green Curry with Lotus Rootlets

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I love browsing the aisles of the Asian grocery stores. I always find something interesting such as the jars of lotus rootlets or stems either pickled or in brine. I got one jar in brine and searched from one of my Thai cookbooks for a recipe and lo and behold, there's a recipe for tofu green curry with lotus rootlets. Perfect!

August 1, 2013

Japanese Dipping Noodles - Tsukemen

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I got hungry for ramen, particularly tsukemen, while watching The Mind of a Chef on Netflix streaming. Who wouldn't be? I searched online for recipes, combined them, and made my own dipping ramen at home. I cooked a portion of Chinese-style fresh egg noodles and a small bundle of Japanese dried egg noodles. The dipping sauce is supposed to be thick, oily, salty, and sweet and should cling to the cold noodles. I had it with a boiled egg, thinly sliced pork belly, fish cake, and pickled seaweed. This dish is truly delicious and perfect to have during hot summer days.

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