March 15, 2009

Mangga, Suman, At Tsokolate

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a yummy Filipino breakfast: suman with chocolate, ripe mango, and frothy hot chocolate

There's nothing gloomier than waking up to a sunless rainy Sunday morning. Remembering the store-bought Suman Con Tsokolate in the refrigerator and seeing the bright yellow ripe mangoes on the kitchen counter thankfully brightened up the day. And having frothy hot chocolate with this delicious pair perked me up and made me more cheerful.^__^


Anonymous said...

We have the same weather condition, but not the best food served! lol.

Nakakagutom nman yan, haay Pahingi na lang ako!

Anonymous said...

omy... i am lying down now but i think i'm getting up to grab something to eat! *drools*!

Anonymous said...

Nice spread and I'm pretty damn jealous right now. So interested in the chocolate suman.

Oggi said...

G, Ces, Jude, Filipino suman is great, so satisfying.:)

Anonymous said...

Oh yummy! I love this combination. You just made me want some suman. We had some pretty decent indian mangoes last week, but my kids, all 'good, but nothing better than Philippine mangos'

i♥pinkc00kies said...


love this too!!

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