fruity sangria, better than soda

Congrats to Spain's Rafael Nadal for winning this year's Wimbledon. It seems it's Spain's turn to shine in sports. Just a week ago they won the football (soccer) Euro Cup. Actually I do not keep track or watch any sports event nor care much for Spain either. I saw it on the front page of the newspaper this morning which prompted me to write about the Spanish drink Sangria I made Thursday last week after hearing from local newscasts that the Sangria ban has been lifted here in my of Virginia. Apparently there was a very old law making it illegal to sell in public, which means bars and restaurants, wine mixed with liquor or liqueur. Some Spanish restaurants started serving lots of fruity sangria to celebrate the event and the patrons seemed very happy. This makes it a triple win for Spain.:D
I prepared the traditional Spanish sangria with really cheap red wine, lemonade, orange juice, brandy, chopped apples, peaches, white nectarines, and grapes. This fruity drink is very refreshing specially during summer and pairs perfectly with a steak lunch or dinner. When all the drink is gone you can munch on the fruits, very nice. You can make a kid-friendly version by replacing the wine with fresh red grape juice and red ginger ale for the brandy which is an excellent way to make them eat fruits and drink fruit juices instead of soda.
750 ml red wine
750 ml homemade lemonade
8 oz orange juice
8 oz brandy
¼ cup sugar, or to taste
1 each Fuji apple, nectarine, and peach, skin-on and chopped
To serve: grapes, thinly sliced oranges, ice cubes
- Mix the wine, lemonade, orange juice, brandy, and sugar until sugar has completely dissolved. Mix in the chopped fruits. Chill in the refrigerator for 4 hours or overnight.
- Transfer the chilled wine mixture into a pitcher or punch bowl. Add 1 to 2 cups ice cubes. Put a few ice cubes in a glass, pour or ladle sangria with some of the fruits, add grapes, and a slice of orange.
And, some facts unrelated to sangria:
In addition to Virginia, there are 3 other states that call themselves a Commonwealth instead of State: Kentucky, Pennsylvania, and Massachusetts.
The Philippines which used to be a US territory was also a Commonwealth (in 1935) before it gained its independence in 1946.
Oggi, Lasang Pinoy Sundays is a smaller event than LP hehe.
This is the most perfect drink entry for it!
oh i was just imagining sangria last i know why..hehehe i love this dear
G, I clicked on the link in your blog last night and already submitted this morning, thanks!:)
Dhanggit, great minds think alike.:D
I love Sangria. We made some for my friends engagement party before and I got tipsy even before it was served because it was my duty to taste test it before serving it. And one New Year my cousin made some but it was a lot so my uncle stored it. I think he still has a bottle in his fridge - 8 years since it was first made. Woah!
hi oggi!
i am so making this sangria asap! thanks for posting the recipe and joining Lasang Pinoy, Sundays!hope to see you again!
I love sangria! But was banned over there??? Yikes! Well, glad it's back in the party! :) And just in time too ;)
So, what the Philippines once was, Virginia now is? Interesting!
I love that you made your own Sangria from scratch. I was at a party once where the host served this pre-made sangria-in-a-carton stuff from the supermarket. It was overly sweet and really not much wine in it. I do love a good homemade sangria though.
Raissa, 8 years! Is it still good?:)
Ces, I'll try to join again next week.:)
Chichajo, Virginia enjoys living in the dark ages and slow to embrace progress, just kidding.:)
Marvin, sangria is a party favorite and homemade is always better.:) half alcohol
I think so LOL well my uncle still drank it and he said its still good. He kept it in the fridge all the time. I didnt dare drink because I know for sure how potent those fruits will be now. My liver cant take that much LOL
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