January 15, 2017

Sous Vide Pork Tenderloin And Chicken Thighs

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As usual, I'm late for the party. Sous vide cooking has been around cooking blogs for many many years already and although I have cooked homemade sausages sous vide style in very low temperatures, I didn't want to buy yet again a cooker that will occupy a large area of my kitchen counter. Also, they used to be pricey.

January 6, 2017

Spanish Polvoron

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with cinnamon

with powdered milk

I love Filipino Polvoron, homemade or store-bought. I haven't tasted its Spanish parent which is made with powdered almond. Spanish polvoron, unlike the Filipino cookie which is simply molded after mixing, is baked in a low heat oven for 30 to 45 minutes. They are not as crumbly and therefore easier and neater to eat.

January 3, 2017

Salted Caramel Apple Butter

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I made [reduced carbs] salted caramel sauce yesterday and added a little of it to pan-browned apples. The result, in my honest opinion, is an improvement on the usual spiced apple butter recipe which I made once before. It pairs very well with toasted challah. If you like apple caramel candy, then this is the apple butter recipe for you.

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