August 7, 2021

Mini Waffles

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Milo mini waffle topped with a small scoop of malted milk ice cream

As usual, I'm late for the party. Mini waffles have been around for years already but I only made them recently. The Dash mini waffle maker makes 4-inch waffles, same size as Eggo waffles and perfect for chaffles.

Chaffles are low carb waffles made with just egg and cheese. Some people add almond or coconut flour but I don't care for both. Almond is tolerable once in a while but coconut flour is a no for me. The chaffles are perfect for low carb hamburger sandwiches or the much mocked avocado toast.

Simple Mini Chaffles
makes two 4-inch chaffles
1 egg, beaten and equally divided (use a 1-ounce measuring cup)
½ cup shredded cheese, mozzarella or sharp cheddar
crispy bacon chips or chopped ham, optional
  • Place waffle maker on a piece of aluminum foil (for easy clean-up) and plug in to preheat. When the light turns on, the maker is ready.
  • Place 2 tablespoons of cheese evenly on bottom of waffle maker, pour half of the egg, half a tablespoon of bacon or ham, if using, then sprinkle 2 tablespoons shredded cheese evenly on top.
  • Close the lid and bake until the light comes off, about 3 to 4 minutes.
  • Repeat with the remaining cheese and egg.
  • Leave for a minute before serving to make the chaffles crispy. I like them slightly soft for burgers.
chaffle burger with sauteed onions and mushrooms

I've been reading about avocado toast but have never tried it. I only make ice cream, milk shake, and guacamole with avocado. Older people like myself make fun of millennials who pay incredibly steep price for avocado toast at restaurants. Well, there comes a the time to finally find out what the fuss is about although I made them with chaffles instead of sliced bread. The verdict: it is very nice with or without adding anything except sea salt. The avocado is smooth and feels like you are eating a stick of butter over bread. Really.

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