November 17, 2008

Churros And Hot Chocolate

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tsokolate-eh and churros

One of the eating habits we sorely miss doing back in the Philippines is sitting in a Spanish coffee shop called Dulcinea sipping cups of tsokolate-eh (hot thick chocolate drink) and munching on freshly fried churros. They are best enjoyed when cooked and served by other people. There aren't shops or restaurants here in my area that serve similar churros. We are not fond of the extremely large and airy ones sold in the malls, amusement parks, and at the Costco fast food counter. The only way for us to enjoy the Spanish/Filipino churros we prefer is to make some at home which I am not willing to do very often because I am not a deep fry enthusiast. Deep frying makes the house smell of oil for hours and hours, the odor sticking to furniture, clothing, and hair. Ack!

Once in a while specially during the cold months, I get the munchies for churros and hot chocolate. Two weeks ago I found a packet of chocolate tablets at the Filipino grocery. They are pure cacao and sugar formed into thick 1-inch round tablets that are dropped in a saucepan of milk, water, or a combination and simmered until they are dissolved. The cooked chocolate is then beaten using a wooden beater to create froth. The beater resembles a large honey dipper. The dark chocolate has a very distinct flavor that my daughter says reminds her of champorrado (glutinous rice and chocolate sweet porridge}, a favorite Filipino breakfast. When I suggested I add a few pieces of bittersweet chocolate she refused because she loves the taste of this chocolate on its own.

chocolate tablea from the Philippines


1 cup water
2 teaspoons fruity olive oil
½ teaspoon sea salt
1 cup cake flour, sifted
light olive oil for frying
sugar for sprinkling
equipment: cookie press with large star tip, or pastry bag with large star tip.
  • Heat 2 inches of oil in a medium pan to 400°F.
  • Prepare the dough: Place the sifted flour in a medium bowl. In a small saucepan, heat the water, oil, and salt, let come to a boil. Pour hot water mixture into the bowl of flour. Stir vigorously with a wooden spoon until evenly mixed. Transfer into the cookie press or pastry bag.
  • Press directly into the hot oil forming a 4-inch loop. Fry until golden brown and drain on paper towels. Sprinkle with sugar if desired.
  • Serve immediately. Don't forget to dip them in the chocolate, extra yummy.
they are a bit pale but so crunchy and yummy


Anonymous said...

it does look lovely... antonio pueo is a favorite... :)

Anonymous said...

Like you, I do not like to deep fry much. But to get the authentic taste, we have to do what we have to do... :)

Sidney said...

Yes... I tasted some hot chocolate in the wet markets in the Philippines and it was delicious!

Anonymous said...

Welcome back! I love your blog!!

This post brings back so many memories...

I had these churros in the Philippines, while visiting my grandparents and extended family there as a child. I can still remember the thick warm cinnamon-laced chocolate sauce, and the super light fry on those curly, crispy, bad boys.

You are right. There is nothing like them on this continent.

My father (a real trickster) told me at the time that they were fried worms (he loved to torture me over worms, the freaky sadist), but I suspected he might be pulling my leg (hard to know for sure with him) and tried them anyway, since they looked and smelled so good - worms or not (I was always an adventurous soul).

I was only eight years old at the time, but knew it was basically a donut of some sort and not a fried worm, after a couple of cautious, but determined, bites. Yet, my dad proceeded to play with my head, saying they were actually donut-like as a result of all the flour and sugar they ate.

Until your photo and naming the treat churro, I had always wondered if it actually was fried worms!

Thank you for the great post, and the clarification of a long-standing mystery! And, for the trip down memory lane.

I can't wait to try your recipe!

To crunching and dipping happily, despite the stinky hair!


~ Paula
(from Ambrosia Quest)

P.S. Sorry for the long post, but I couldn't resist sharing that story with you.

Oggi said...

Mikky, yes Antonio Pueo has that unique chocolate taste that goes with both churros and suman.:)

Ning, so true...I rarely make bagnet because of the porky oily smell...but it tastes oh so heavenly!:D

Sidney, our chocolate has an earthy unique flavor because it's minimally processed, I suppose. I can't wait to use them for champorrado this Saturday for breakfast.:)

Paula, thanks and I love to hear happy food memories.:)

Johnna Knows Good Food: Yum Yum, Gimme Some! said...

Yum! Churros are soo good and comforting...makes me want to pull out the deep fryer;-)

eatingclubvancouver_js said...

Love, love, love churros. And I remember Dulcinea too.

Unknown said...

fortunately, i managed to try tsokolate the last time i was in manila...unfortunately... i misssssss it terribly! T_T

Oggi said...

Johnna, it's worth it.:)

JS, I also love Dulcinea's sobrasada paté, the owner was not shy in declaring he has the best paté in all of Makati.:)

Mochachocolata Rita, yeah I have forgotten how good they were. I'm now so spoiled I refuse to drink any other chocolate.:)

i♥pinkc00kies said...


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