June 16, 2021
Challah Buns With Tofu Cream Filling
I never liked caramel-topped cream puffs made with Pâte à Choux but could tolerate eclair because of its chocolate topping. I find it dry, f...
June 15, 2021
Milo Polvoron
I bought a large tin of "Original Version" Milo made in Singapore. The previous tin of Milo I bought years ago was made in Malays...
April 13, 2021
Homemade Silky Tofu For Taho
The Korean grocery store stopped selling pudding-like super soft silky tofu to make into sweet Filipino taho . I never thought of making my ...
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February 10, 2021
Peanut Tikoy Rolls
I've been reading about tikoy rolls or balls filled with peanut butter which is similar to mochi and Filipino mache. They're all cou...
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