February 7, 2014

Oggi Dreams of Jiro's Tamagoyaki

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Oh, I've been dreaming of Jiro style grilled omelet since I viewed the documentary, Jiro Dreams of Sushi, many months ago. I looked for copy cat recipes online but didn't find any that looks like Jiro's but read that his recipe has mountain yam, shrimp called shiva ebi, sugar, salt, mirin, and a little soy sauce. In the movie an apprentice does preparation techniques for 10 years before he is allowed to try making tamagoyaki.

February 5, 2014

Black Beans And Corn Chili

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Aside from lima beans, fava, and green peas, I've never seen other fresh legumes until a few days ago when I spotted black beans in the fresh produce section of the Korean grocery store. I had no idea how to cook fresh black beans. I simmered the beans in plenty of water for about an hour and they came out sweet, tender, and the beans taste way better than canned. 

January 31, 2014

Black Tea Blondies

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This week's recipe is brought to you by the book Going Shogun, a free Amazon Kindle download. The very funny SciFi-ish mystery thriller is set in a dystopian USA where a caste system of society is in place and everybody works hard to "Ascend" to the next level. The novel has nothing to do with shogun or the Japanese. The protagonists work in a popular restaurant that serves outrageous food items such as Stuffed Pigeon Cactus topped with a strawberry pop marinade, or Sausage Gravy Ice Cube, or Cheesecake Meatloaf. The only "normal" sounding item is Butter Tea Brownies which gave me the idea of making Black Tea Blondies. 

BTW, Butter Tea is actually a salted Tibetan tea drink which is very good and is more like soup because it has no sugar. 

January 23, 2014

Tikoy Turon for Chinese New Year

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2014 is Year of the Horse in the Chinese Calendar and New Year starts on January 31, 2014. Many Filipinos including myself have Chinese ancestry which is evident in our culture, language, and specially food. For me it's that time of the year to make tikoy.

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