February 1, 2008

How To Cook Adobong Muh-Knock

A friend emailed me this video of a white guy cooking chicken adobo. I wonder if he had a script or he really knows how to speak Tagalog. It's fun to hear a white guy say "sangkuchahin". Adobong muhknock - ang suhrap suhrap. Enjoy!


Ruy said...

Sangkuchahin! Hahaha! Now thats a word I only hear from my grandmother!
Thanks for sharing.=)

Oggi said...

His accent and pronunciation are good and this video put a smile on my face.

Anonymous said...

This video left me dying with laughter. Someone also left it for me in my comments recently. I laugh everytime I see it.

Oggi said...

Marvin I liked this video the first time I viewed it and just have to share it with other Filipinos.:)

 gmirage said...

hahaha, made me laugh but he's good ha. Muh-knock...hayaang koo-molo. Ka-lan? lol thanks!

Oggi said...

g_mirage this guy is good. He speaks Tagalog very clearly and he looks like he has cooked the dish before.

caninecologne said...

what a pretty cool video!

I actually had to do something like this for Tagalog class back in college. We all had to do a project and one of the choices was to do a cooking demonstration on video. I ended up making palitao and did exactly what that guy did. Showed the ingredients, went over the steps one by one, in halting Tagalog, using instructions I got straight from my mom.

The sad thing (for me at least) is that that guy speaks waaaay better Tagalog than me. But I can at least get the accents right.

Oggi said...

caninecologne I would like to see your video making palitao!:)

caninecologne said...

hi! i'm afraid that video tape is long gone!

by the way, after doing some websearching, i found out that the guy on the chicken adobo video, is half filipino. if you look on his website, he's been in several movies and/or shows in the philippines. he seems to be popular on the philippine tv shows as a guest.

on another note, i really enjoy your blog - your food photos and culinary adventures are amazing and i only wish i had the time and talent to do what you do. your family is so fortunate to be able to enjoy your recipes and creations.

caninecologne said...

correction - the guy is NOT half Filipino after all. I was reading an article link on his website. Just have read i too fast. His ADOPTIVE mother is Filipina. my bad. props to the guy for lerning the language at least.

Oggi said...

Thanks for the video notice and for the kind flattering comment, I appreciate it.:)
I uploaded another video which is not as clear as the first one. I will look for his website now that I know he is an "adopted" Filipino from perhaps Germany or Austria, he does not sound American at all.:)

BTW I tagged you for a meme.:)

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