For this year's Chinese New Year, steamed rice cakes, the ones with cracked tops, tested my patience. I almost gave up but third time's the charm. I don't know what I did wrong the first 2 times but the tops were smooth and a bit too sweet for my taste. I removed 2 tablespoons of brown sugar and somehow they came out soft, fluffy, and have cracks (smiles) on top.
Steamed Rice Cakes
¾ cup water
6 tablespoons dark brown sugar
1 cup white rice flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon water
- Boil water in a steamer pan; cover and let boil on medium heat while preparing the batter.
- Line individual molds with baking paper.
- In a medium bowl, combine water and brown sugar; whisk until sugar is dissolved. Sprinkle baking soda on top.
- Gradually add rice flour while stirring constantly with whisk.
- Fill molds up to the top.
- Steam for 15 minutes.
- Serve hot with butter or coconut jam.
Thank you for the recipe. This was one of my grandma's specialty that no one knows how to make now. Its called Malay Ko in Chinese and that used to crack us up as kids since it also means "I dunno" in Tagalog.