August 29, 2013

Black Sesame Seed Paciencia

I think this is my third or fourth blog post about the Philippine cookies called Paciencia. I maybe a bit obsessed with these tiny crunchy cookies inherited from the Spanish, of course. It's the smooth shiny top I've wanted to replicate but is elusive to me so far. Oh, well, there's always a fifth or sixth time for trying.

For this paciencia baking adventure I added ground black sesame seeds to half a recipe adapted from Recipes of the Philippines handbook omitting the baking powder and reduced the amount of sugar. I added 2 tablespoons very thick blackcurrant sauce into another half recipe. The blackcurrant flavor is strong, not just a hint and the sesame seed is not only delicious, it's also nutritious. One website says consuming black sesame seeds regularly may restore the color of graying hair; I wonder if it's true. There's no harm in trying I suppose. Anyway, I love both flavors, really great for afternoon munchies with a cup of milky English breakfast tea.

Black Sesame Seed Paciencia
½ cup all-purpose flour, sifted
2 tablespoons ground black sesame seeds
¼ teaspoon baking powder, optional
4 egg whites
1 cup sugar (I used 10 tablespoons)
  • In a small bowl, whisk together flour, sesame seed, and baking powder, if using, set aside. 
  • In the bowl of a standing mixer with the balloon whisk attached, beat egg whites on medium speed until frothy. Increase speed to high, adding sugar gradually, until stiff but not dry. 
  • Sprinkle flour mixture on top of egg whites and fold in 25 times. Transfer into a disposable pastry bag with a round tip attached. Pipe &frac; inch dots onto parchment lined cookie sheets 1 inch apart. With damp fingers, flatten the peaks. Tap the pan on the kitchen counter to remove air bubbles. Leave for 15 minutes until top is a bit dry to the touch or bake them right away in a 275°F oven for 30 minutes or until edges start to brown slightly. Turn oven off and leave cookies for another 20 minutes. Transfer the cookies still on the paper on the kitchen counter to cool completely. Remove cookies and store in airtight jars.


  1. They only contain white-eggs??
    Perfect for me as I always have extra whites in the freezer!
    They look great!

  2. i love munching on paciencia!
    that trivia bit about the black sesame seed sounds intriguing...and i agree: no harm in trying!

    thanks much for sharing and linking over at Food Friday, Ms. Oggi
