April 18, 2013


Ramps or wild leeks are only available for one week in early April every year. I was lucky to find them last weekend at the farmer's market. Although I've read about them almost 2 years ago I never had them until this week. After sauteing them in smaltz (rendered chicken fat) and making compound butter with them, I now understand why these are so beloved by professional and home cooks alike. They have a mellow sweetish garlicky flavor when blanched or lightly sauteed enhancing the taste of whatever you add them to. I especially love them with eggs, I don't know why.

ramp compound butter melting on top of beef steaks

To make compound butter, beat 2 sticks room temperature salted butter and ½ cup finely chopped ramps. You may add zest of half a lemon if desired. Shape into a log on a piece of parchment paper, twist ends, wrap in plastic wrap, and freeze until needed. If you have a silicone pan with 1-tablespoon wells, you can also use that to shape and store the compound butter. I used a 1-tablespoon ice cream scoop for uniformity and accuracy.

chopped ramp 1-tablespoon ramp compound butter squares

scrambled egg cooked in half a tablespoon of ramp compound butter 

ramp and smaltz (plus crispy chicken skins) = breakfast heaven 

Food Friday


  1. ohh, ganyan pala ang compound butter! i can do this with other herbs--exciting! haven't seen or tasted this herb yet...baka wala yan dito. your beef steak looks so good, and the scrambled eggs look appetizing!

  2. Compound butter with garlic or dried herbs are delish. This looks good too.

  3. yummmy shots! and such an interestingly rare leek! would love to know how that tastes like! oo nga, wala ata yan dito. love your tip regarding the "individual storage" of your compound butter! mas convenient!

    thanks so much for taking the time to share and link over at Food Friday, Ms. Oggi
