September 23, 2011

Baked Caramel Apple Turon

Baked Caramel Apple Turron
baked caramelized apple turon served with a small scoop of Snickers® ice cream

Have you tried baked turon? I have a few tart apples, cubed one and cooked it in a tablespoon of butter and 2 tablespoons dark brown sugar, filled 2 spring roll wrappers brushed with butter, and baked the rolls until they have browned and looked crispy. The baked caramelized apple turon is so good; tart, sweet, and buttery, and oh so crispy. I love it with a very small scoop of Breyers® Snickers Caramel Swirls ice cream. Sweet! love smiley I'll definitely bake saba and langka turon later today now that I know it will be as crispy as deep fried.

Baked Caramel Apple Turon
2 tablespoons butter
3 - 4 tablespoons dark brown sugar
2 medium size sweet and tart apples, cut into ½-inch cubes
1 tablespoon melted butter
4 - 5 pieces Filipino spring roll wrapper
  • Preheat oven to 425°F. 
  • In a medium skillet, heat butter and sugar until sugar has melted. Add apples and cook until caramelized and golden brown. 
  • Brush  one side of spring roll wrapper with butter. Place in a thin pile 2 tablespoons of apple across one edge of wrapper and roll, folding the edges in as you roll and keeping it tight and thin. Place on a parchment-lined baking pan.
  • Brush rolls with butter from the skillet, if any is left, plus melted butter. Bake until brown and crispy. Serve immediately.


  1. WOW! Such a good idea :) It's easy to find apples here in Chicago than the usual type of banana we use for turon so I am going to try to make apple turon this weekend.

    Wow thanks for sharing that!

    Check out my entry, thanks!

  2. i like that this is baked. i'll give this a try soon.

  3. YUMMY! oo nga ano, this is a nice twist to the usual healthier kasi baked.

    thanks so much for sharing this delicious caramel apple turon over at Food Friday, Ms. Oggi
    have a safe and happy weekend! :)

  4. I dont believe you baked it. It looks great.

  5. yehey turon w/o the oil!!! thanx for shariung this

    heres my entry

  6. Nice! This looks good, a yummy deviation from the normal banana turon. Must try this! :)

  7. Oggi! you're really a genius, I do miss turon, so this is like apfelstrüdel with a twist! and I love snickers (mars too!) ice cream. Have a lovely Sunday!

  8. Awww, it's cooked in oven, I can't make it. :( But you gave me an idea with ice cream and banana turon.

    Late visit Food Friday. Here's mine: Baked Cheese in Filo Pastry

  9. this looks easy enough to make and looks so appetizing as well. visiting late via FF:
