April 15, 2011

Food Friday: Matcha and Sweet Azuki Swirl Bread

Matcha and Azuki Swirl Bread

Food Friday

I've been busy updating and re-posting old entries from 2006 and 07. Back then I didn't add labels to my posts and sometimes even forgot the titles. Yeah, I know, I was the worst newbie blogger ever. And my photos were really ug-uh-leee and when I changed to the recent template design the positioning of the photos got messed up. I tell you, it's taking me forever "correcting" the photos' colors, brightness, etc., uploading to flickr, and aligning them on the posts. But the positive thing is I get to be reminded to bake my old favorites such as these swirl breads. I added a layer of green tea dough to the sweet bean swirl...perfect match-a. (^-^)


  1. that looks gooooooood!!!!

    my first posts were a mess, too...pero di ko na inayos. tamad na. LOL

  2. makes me wanna grab some! it's beautiful!

  3. looks delicious, want to have some! i can relate with your dilemna, my earlier post was a messed after i moved from blogger to wp, never-ending editing, still not yet done...doing it slowly! hehehe! anyway, was here for a late visit from food friday and i am wishing you a blessed week!

  4. That looks wonderful. I have yet to be successful with filled bread.

  5. So where's the recipe?
