October 15, 2010

Food Friday: Hallowe'en Treats

Only 16 more days before candy day...are you ready for Hallowe'en trick or treaters? One of the bags of candies is already open and so I opened another bag with the Milk Duds in it. One tiny box has 4 pieces, more than enough to satisfy my craving for chocolate covered chewy caramels.
food friday chiclet


  1. Ahhh! I miss those nestle treats...we don't have nestle products here and my fave chocolate is CRUNCH! :( Imagine how I hoarded them back home, lol.

  2. yummm...chocolates galore! :)

  3. Advance Happy Halloween ! Have fun !

  4. Gizelle, oh yes, Crunch is an all-time favorite too. But why no Nestle in Vienna???:)

    Maiylah and Peachkins, we usually end up eating half of them.:p

    Sidney, thanks. Too early perhaps.:)

  5. I ask the same question too...but we get hershey's products from the UN commissary (the only nestle there is the Lion bar lol) - I remember Cadbury was introduced about 5 years ago only and oreo maybe 3 years ago :D (That's what I meant by the city being boring)

  6. Gizelle, oh yes, boring without the candies we grew up eating.LOL
    Our Cadbury here is now made in Canada, wala na from UK.
